
  • Snowflake’s platform is used by businesses to analyze large amounts of business data to gain useful insights. Snowflake’s platform is made easier to use by DataOps.live’s software.
  • The DataOps.live also promises to make analyzing stored data in Snowflake easier. Its software enables the creation of pipelines, which are software workflows that automatically process information.

DataOps.live, a London-based startup that offers software for Snowflake Inc.’s cloud data platform, has raised USD 17.5 million in new capital.

Recently, the Series A round was announced. Snowflake and Anthos Capital joined Notion Capital in leading the round. DataOps.live, formally DataOps Software Ltd., had raised a seed investment of USD 10 million in January.

Snowflake’s platform is used by businesses to analyze large amounts of business data to gain valuable insights. Snowflake’s platform is made easier to use by DataOps.live’s software. The startup claims that its software can minimize the time required for a few maintenance tasks from weeks to hours.

There are times when a company needs the ability to duplicate its Snowflake environment. Administrators may want to create a backup copy that can be easily restored if the primary environment goes down. Developers may also use backups of a Snowflake deployment to test new changes before deploying them to production.

Previously, administrators had to manually copy a Snowflake deployment’s settings to a new deployment. DataOps.live aims to make the process easier. According to the company, the company’s software allows administrators to save the settings of a Snowflake deployment in a template that can then be used to create copies quickly.

According to DataOps.live, the feature simplifies tasks like outage recovery. Administrators can use a template to create an identically configured copy if a Snowflake environment goes down. According to the company, the task can be completed in hours rather than the days or weeks that would otherwise be required.

The startup also promises to make analyzing stored data in Snowflake easier. Its software enables the creation of pipelines, which are software workflows that automatically process data. For instance, a company could create a workflow to add updates of new sales data in a revenue monitoring dashboard at the end of each week.

Complex data pipelines frequently use Snowflake’s platform and third-party products. An external ETL, or extract, transform, and load, tool may be used in a pipeline to stream data from a company’s internal systems into Snowflake. DataOps.live offers integrations that simplify managing third-party tools in an analytics workflow.

Before processing information, data pipelines frequently modify it. For example, a pipeline may filter duplicate sales logs before producing a weekly revenue summary. DataOps.live includes a built-in data transformation tool to simplify such tasks.

Records are frequently modified not once but several times before they are processed. When data errors occur, it is difficult to pinpoint which specific modification caused the problem. According to DataOps.live, its platform allows businesses to check their information for errors after each change, making diagnosing and resolving accuracy issues easier.

Last year, the company’s platform assisted customers in running over one million data pipelines, the company announced recently. During the same period, the company’s annual revenue run rate quadrupled from an unspecified starting point. DataOps.live will reportedly use its new funding to broaden its focus beyond Snowflake and add support for additional data platforms to support continued revenue growth.